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Parking Tickets


 I understand the Haddon Twp police department issues 130+ overnight parking tickets last night….

 I find this odd, and I find the fact no press reported it completely irresponsible….

Thought you would want to know….

 In light of the new ordinance I thought this email I rec’d might be of interest.

19 Responses

  1. The story sounds newsworhty. If they did not report it, maybe it hasn’t been verified.

  2. I went to the municipal building two days after they passed the new fee ordinance to re-apply for a parking permit that expired last December. The dispatcher wasn’t sure if they were enforcing this ordinance yet, so I gave her my phone number and she called me later in the day to tell me that they are going to start the new fee in or after December. She said that they put me on the list so should not get any tickets before then.

  3. I didn’t notice any on the cars in my neighborhood. I don’t think it is newsworthy for them to have issued these tickets unless they haven’t been enforcing this ordinance at all, which based upon the number of cars in my neighborhood that park illegally overnight appears to be the case. I don’t understand why if we have an ordinance, the town doesn’t enforce it fully or eliminate it. You see, if you don’t enforce it consistently, why do you need it in the first place.

    So Glenn, they pass an ordinance and then don’t enforce it for 6 months? The ordinance does not say this. They never said this in any public meeting. They haven’t put out a press release or statement on the website or using the blast email. Are they going to properly communicate this?

  4. I’ve never seen anything in the local newspaper about The Township issuing parking tickets. I dont think it’s news worthy. As Tom stated, they don’t enforce this ordinance every night through the whole town. I think the pick certain streets throughout the year to cover the whole town. Anyone that parks their car in the street will not complain, if they didn’t receive a ticket. Would you?

    Tom to answer your question:

    My opinion is that they realized that it wouldn’t be fair for residents to pay a full or partial year for a permit that has always been free and was still free to residents for the first six months of the year. The parking permits expire on December 31, 2009. So everyone should start paying on or after December of 2009. If they are going to enforce the new ordinance, I think that’s fair. It would be nice if they sent out a letter to all the residents explaining the ordinance before enforcing it. I’m sure it will come up at the next meeting.

    On a side note: The Rent Control Meeting that was scheduled for July 20,2009 was actually held on July 13,2009 and will not be on July 20,2009 as advertised in the Retrospect and as of today still scheduled for July 20,2009 on the Haddon Township Website.

  5. I just noticed that they cancelled the Caucus meeting for next Tuesday also.

    I hope that when they send out their next quarterly update report, that they put an article explaining the new parking fee. Doesn’t your apartment complex have parking spaces in its own lot? If so, you may not be entitled to a parking permit. It also would have been nice if they had put an effective date in the Ordinance.

    Relating to the rent control board, it was never published in the newspaper that I can see. How did you find out about it? Where was it published? Is Mr. Klineburger violating the OPMA laws again? They published the meeting for the 3rd Monday in July at the beginning of the year. If what you are saying is true, it appears that our town continues to violate OPMA.

  6. Tom when you sensationalize everything (ie., Klineburger being responsible for the rent control notice) you show your true character flaw….that you are nothing more than a political hack! Why don’t you sue the town again. Maybe you can give them grounds to fire Denise or Bonnie. I am sure Charlie won’t mind????

    • If you’re being sued for not complying with a law in the past and you dispute it, fine. Most people will cut you some slack. But In the future, you (the town) better cross your “t”s and dot your “i”s otherwise, you’re just asking for a problem.

  7. The only reason I knew about the meeting was because the Apartment manager sent all of the tenants a letter stating that RB Haddon LLC, the owners of Haddon Crossing, had filed an application for Capital Improvements and they were going to discuss this at the meeting. About 20-30 tenants showed up and all they did was listen to our comments. At the beginning of the meeting they also stated they advertised it in the Retrospect and I think the Courier Post. A disk is available through Bonnie, if you want to hear the meeting.

    Parking Permit: Unfortunately there are not enough parking spaces for all of the tenants. They are going to number the spaces, but only one space per apartment. That means there will be a lot of cars on the streets since all 80 apartments are occupied. I have had a parking permit approved for the last nine years, so it shouldn’t be any different now.

  8. I called Bonnie today and she told me they published it. It appears that none of the Retrospect public notices for the past 2 weeks are showing up on the web which is where I looked. So based upon what Bonnie said, it appears that they followed the law. The fact that the township website still shows a meeting this upcoming Monday shows a total lack of coordination. There is nothing sensational about them properly publicizing a public meeting. And yes, as our solicitor, Mr. Klineburger knows that he is responsible for following the law so that if a meeting has not been properly published, he should refrain from attending.

    As far as I can tell, they followed the law. I also believe that it is wrong (but not illegal) and bad government not to update the township website so that people in our town know when the public meetings are. That isn’t Bonnie’s job for sure.

    Regarding your parking permit, if they give you a dedicated space and your household only has one car, according to the law, you would not be entitled to a parking permit. Again, this is another reason that this law never should have been passed. By the way, I cannot wait for the police department to have to go to 1000 resident’s homes every year in December (instead of every 3 years) to assess whether people are entitled to parking permits. In a lot of ways, it would make more operational sense to stagger the months. What a waste of time of our police. Maybe if we didn’t have this ordinance, we could eliminate a police officer or 2’s salaries based upon the time required to do this and the savings would more than cover the lost revenues that they are seeking.

  9. Well I have two cars and my son has one, but they only allow one dedicated spot per apartment.

    I heard that the Town is leaning towards building affordable Housing at the Russell Cast Stone site, because it would be more profitable for the Town. Is that true? If so, when is this going to happen?

  10. what exactly is ‘affordable housing’?

  11. I meant low income housing.

  12. Just a question not related to this matter. Was anything ever done about the Dan Arron incident? Did he just walk away scott free?

  13. As far as the rent control board meeting, maybe the information was not forwarded to the employee who handles the web. Maybe, Mr. Cassel should call for Bonnie’s resignation, since proper notice wasn’t given. Did she forward the information? Maybe she didn’t do her job!

  14. Well, i am not the only one!
    I got a ticket for parking overnight in front og my house, when i drove that morning there was a lot of cars in my block with tickets on them.
    I am planning to contest, since there is no posted signs about it.
    Ordinance 223-14 of Haddon twp.

    • I also received a ticket today!! I have been living in my place now for over 2 years and NEVER knew about the ordinance…. I have NEVER gotten a ticket until I woke up this morning to tickets on BOTH of my cars!! 😦 Seems they must be needing money right now :0/

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